Lunch with the special learners

Support for Kenya Special Needs Students.


Jean saw the poverty and needs of many in Kenya in 2021 while on a mission trip with Open Word Ministries. She was especially moved by the needs of the “special learners” (in the United States these are special needs students) at The Lumino School in the Special Unit where she met Walter Likuyani, the Special Unit teacher.   She learned about the poverty among the students and the need for basic items such as food, clothing, shoes, and school supplies. The McKinney’s focused on a request to purchase a sewing machine to help with vocational training of students that could lead to a sustainable life. This request became a realization In April. 2022. Because God does exceedingly more than we ask or imagine, we (with the help of others) were able to purchase not one but two sewing machines and they were gratefully received. 

Soon after, we learned that these students did not have food to eat at school for lunch.  We were appalled to learn that just because a student has a disability that they did not get to eat lunch!

In Walter’s words, “The regular normal learners have a feeding program funded by their parents. In our school, children in regular classes are asked to bring food stuffs from home and it's put in a common pool. The food stuffs brought are maize and beans. They also pay some money for food ingredients and salary of the cook. Not all learners can afford to bring the requirements.  In Kenya nearly all special learners come from poor backgrounds and have been neglected by their parents. Many are viewed as a bad omen to the family. Because of this their feeding program is usually on and off.” Walter had previously reached out for help to churches in the area; but were only able to provide food for a day or two. These children needed food on regular and permanent basis.

We know that this small group of learners is part of God’s plan to help.  Imago Ministries became a reality, obtaining a 501(c)(3) status.  In September, 2023, we sent our first international wire transfer and the lunch program began!  Walter is able to buy the food supplies, pay the cook make lunch for the learners at school and attendance is up because the students know they will have food at school.

We also learned that there was a need to assist the special needs home based learners in the rural area. These students are not able to come to school for various reasons and Walter’s home visits are important.  The visits include basic teaching skills to students but also have a much-needed component of family support.  Walter guides and counsels parents to accept their children with disabilities (not hide them), proper diet, assisting with getting students wheelchairs, hearing aids, and other assistive devices, and at times bringing needed food or supplies. 

Money is sent monthly to purchase ingredients for the students’ lunch which consist of rice and green grams (lentils), to pay the cook, and to help the rural learners and their families.  We know that God will do even greater things for this population as we move in obedience on this project.  Visus (a division of Imago Ministries) is a Latin word meaning; sight, vision, seeing, visible and has becomes a solution to this problem.  

Walter and Miriam Likuyani

Josephine the Cook